Dungeons and Dragons Custom Builds: The Dwarf Paladin Class

"A devoted Paladin from the icy Northern Kingdoms of Narn Steendag, Ulfric wields his mighty Stormhammer in his quest to fulfill his oath and rid the lands of all forms of unholiness and evil"

Dungeons and Dragons Custom Builds: The Dwarf Paladin Class

After recently purchasing a few of miniatures during a recent trip abroad, I was very keen to start creating a few more custom builds for our Dungeons and Dragons board gaming campaigns and game nights. First up, was a build I have been dying to create for some time now - the Paladin Dwarf.

Ulfric Stormhammer Miniature

While the mini used is actually one of a set of Dwarf Clerics from Nolzur's marvelous minis, I think it worked quite well for the character of Ulfric Stormhammer - A Dwarf Paladin from the North.

Dwarf Paladin Character Card Side 1

Dwarf Paladin Character Card Side 2
So, finally my Paladin build! Like most Dwarves from the mountainous regions, Ulfric is hard and sturdy and has high AC and HP stats. His speed is not that great though but that is expected when you're lugging the mighty Stormhammer around on your back!

Stormhammer. Legends tell that the mighty hammer was forged in the sacred ice fire, the Ysveer in the heart of the Steendag mountain, by Baeron Ironcloak himself. The hilt is supposedly imbued with the divine magic from the Oldenvolk  - the first Dwarves to dwell within the mountain and the metals are raw Adamantine engraved with Ruinic spells. It is written that Stormhammer chooses its wielder and oath-sworn Ulric is the devoted champion of this age.

And it is around this valuable heirloom that Ulfric's Ability Text is centered as he gets to select 4 from a total of 8 unique Utility Powers that are based around this legendary hammer.

At Will Powers
Dwarf Paladin Power Card: At Will 1
Righteous Smite

No reputable Paladin would walk into battle without a Divine Smite in his array and Ulfric is no exception. In his case though, it's a Righteous Smite, which the mighty Stormhammer delivers, that smashes into an adjacent enemy and sends him flying across the board.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: At Will 2

Stone Strike

A useful At-Will for a range attempt but it will need some boosting in order to be effective. Provided Ulfric is adjacent to a dungeon wall, this attack has him smash the mighty Stormhammer into the wall and send shockwaves cascading down the dungeon causing it to collapse onto his foes.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: At Will 3

Hurled Hammer

A truly impressive ranged attack that has Ulfric hurl the mighty Stormhammer at an enemy within 1 tile. This attack is an almost guaranteed hit but with a few conditions: You can move before but not after the attack. Thematically this made sense as the attack requires a lot of physical exertion from our hardy Dwarf. Secondly, the hurled hammer will need to be retrieved, which will only be at the start of your next Hero Phase. Again, this made sense to me in that the attack, while deadly, is not overpowered.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: At Will Card Back

Daily Powers

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Daily 1
Hammer of Virtue

A double whammy attack with Stonehammer seemed inevitable, given that Ulfric is more than capable of wielding his legendary weapon. This attack also has the added bonus of removing a condition on any Hero (including Ulfric) on your tile. A truly virtuous daily power!

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Daily 2
Song of Storms

Legend has it that in the moments before delivering this devastating attack, a shrill and sharp song of winter can be heard from Stormhammer as it flies through the air towards its enemies. That's probably the last thing they ever hear and see before their deaths. Well, that and a giant freaking hammer flying towards them! Like with Hurled Hammer, this attack has a few similar conditions: No movement after the attack and you will need to retrieve Stormhammer again.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Daily 3
Compelled Duel

This daily power is a mirror copy of the Saurial Paladin's daily from the Tomb of Annihilation board game. The only difference is that the attack is not a 'hammer' attack, meaning it can be made if Stormhammer is not currently in your possession.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Daily Card Back

Utility Powers

The Utilities are the crux of Ulfric's power arrays and are key to augmenting his attacks and abilities. The Utilities all use the Stance mechanic which was first introduced in the Legend of Drizzt boardgame and follows the same rules applied. From the list of 8, you get to choose 4. Let's have a look at them...
Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 1

Holy Stance

Whenever you're Hurling Stormhammer towards your foes, this Stance will ensure that the hit Monsters are slowed in their advance by knocking them back a tile.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 2
Divine Stance

This Stance is a no-brainer in that it buffs all Stormhammer attacks with a +1 attack bonus. The one thing to note is that the Stance token is removed after the attack meaning that any card ability which allows you to perform a second attack (i.e. Hammer of Virtue), will not have the +1 bonus.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 3
Hasty Stance

This Stance pairs perfectly with the Hurled Hammer At-will or Song of Storms Daily power in that it boosts the dwarf's speed and allows for faster retrieval. In fact, if you intend to play Hurled Hammer as an At-Will, you practically need this Stance.
Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 4

Healing Stance

Divine healing is not instantaneous and every Paladin knows it requires concentration, focus and some bloody good rolls of the dice! Again, this Stance is probably a must-have for a first playthrough with the Dwarf Paladin in that it allows you to heal after making a Stormhammer attack.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 5

Stone Stance

With this Stance and Ulfric's base 17AC, you're boosted to 18AC on Level 1 which means you are practically impenetrable. However, the condition only takes effect after you have made a Stormhammer attack.
Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 6

Prophetic Stance

Scrying through the Encounter and Monster decks are key to preparing for an oncoming assault and this Stance allows you to peek into either deck & strategize before your exploration phase.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 7
Inspiring Stance

This Stance benefits the party by boosting attack rolls to any heroes on your tile. Unfortunately Ulfric doesn't get the same boost but this is mitigated if paired with Divine Stance.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 8
Steadfast Stance

This Stance again benefits the party by boosting AC to +2 for all nearby heroes but doesn't apply to Ulfric. But with Stone Stance, Ulfric should be fine and as a Paladin, he is oath bound to protect.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility 9
Striking Stance

Probably a prerequisite if you plan on Hurling your hammer around a lot, this stance converts your Righteous Smite into a fists-only melee attack. You lose the 4 square knock-back effect of a hammer attack but at least allows Ulfric the ability to attack without his hammer.

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Utility Card Back
Expert Powers

As per my last post and the recent leveling up to Levels 3 & 4, I have included some Expert Powers for all custom built characters. Here are Ulfric's Expert Powers:

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Expert 1

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Expert 2

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Expert 3

Dwarf Paladin Power Card: Expert Card Back


Dwarf Paladin: Stance Tokens

Dwarf Paladin: Stance Token

Dwarf Paladin: Stormhammer Token


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