Ahsoka Episode 7: Dreams and Madness (and Protocal Droid Cameos)

An action-packed penultimate episode that has that familiar Star Wars Rebels feel while still pulling at nostalgia and lore with some surprising cameos, name drops, holovids and joyful reunions.

We start off with some politics as General Hera Syndulla is forced to defend her case in a briefing to the New Republic following her very unsanctioned mission to Seatos. The odds are definitely not in her favor as Senator Xiono dismisses her mission debriefing as nothing more than a fairytale involving space whales and other galaxies. Hera is unflinching in her resolution and defends herself with calm clarity but Xiono calls for her to be court martialed. Then, tadadaa! A very surprising cameo with a very familiar protocol Droid who we hear bickering with the security personnel. Yes, it's none other than C3PO, played again by the amazing Anthony Daniels who duly informs the council that "He doesn't need to show his identification" and that he is there on behalf of Senator Leia Organa! Threepio quickly takes to Hera's defense stating that Leia sanctioned the mission and ultimately dismissing the begruntled Xiono's plea. Mon Mothma of course, sees through the ruse and questions Hera as the severity of the situation to which Hera states as severe.

Another fantastic piece of writing was Captain Tavo coming to Hera's defense as well during the briefing, citing the incident on Mandalore as evidence of Imperial remnants and their involvement within the New Republic. He is of course referring to the final season of The Mandalorian which saw Bo Katan Kryze and Djinn Djarin go up against Moff Gideon in the battle of Mandalore. His evidence is dismissed by Xiono who states that Gideon acted on his own accord. However, this small interlude does serve as an official placement of Ahsoka as taking place after Season 3 of the Mandalore and cementing it as cannon in Filoni's Mandoverse.
After the politics we're transported back to hyperspace with Ahsoka and Huyang still hitching a ride aboard the hyperspace-faring purrgil. We get to see Ahsoka in full jedi training mode and wielding both of her lightsabers with her signature moves. And another cameo as we see Anakin Skywalker again, this time as a holovid guiding his former apprentice through her training in a similar vein to the Tales of the Jedi episode where Skyguy emphasized Ahsoka needing to protect herself. Ahsoka also reveals to Huyang that Anakin recorded 20 similar holovids for her which surprises the Droid. Following her ordeal in the World Between Worlds, Ahsoka seems a lot less unsure of her former master and more at peace with herself. Also: The Asaj Ventress name drop!
But the inner peace is quickly shattered as the purrgils drop out of hyperspace and into a carefully organized minefield surrounding Peridea, courtesy of Thrawn of course. I felt a twinge of sadness for the poor spacefaring whales. Sure, we were told in a previous episode, that the purrgils come to Peridea to die but dying and getting blown to pieces are two very different things! Huyang doesn't seem to mind since the purrgil are extra cover and just as he comments on this, the whales hightail it out of the fight and blast back off into hyperspace, leaving Ahsoka and Huyang to quickly navigate through minefields, space debris and evade enemy fighters in chase.
Next up, we cut to Thrawn and Morgan Elsbeth with the former maintaining his cold, calculating demenour. He is surprised to discover that Ahsoka was the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker. Fully aware of the danger this poses (Thrawn was one of the few who knew Darth Vader was once Anakin Skywalker), he orders his forces to retreat and relies instead on the "Great Mothers" to pinpoint Ahsoka's exact location.
Ahsoka uses the force to reach out to Sabine who senses her presence as familiar. Then we're right back into action as Thrawn instructs the gold masked captain Enoch to attack and Ahsoka and Huyang head planetside.
Speaking of planetside, on Peridea, Sabine and Ezra, now reunited, are enjoying a casual trek along with the delightful Noti in the mobile armored caravan homes. Baylan and Shin of course do catch up to them, having pursued Sabine with intent on killing both her and Ezra but before any battle can ensue, Baylan makes a surprising announcement and promptly hands in his resignation from this Thrawny machinations. Yep, Baylan Skoll heads off to pursue his own agenda and seek out the "whatever it is" power within Peridea that was mentioned in the last episode. He does leave Shin with a dire warning that impatience will lead to defeat...which well...happens shortly after.
A battle does erupt with Thrawn's gold plated night troopers attacking the Noti convoy and Sabine and Ezra are in full Jedi fight mode, Ezra refusing to use a lightsaber and relying purely on the force to force push and take out enemies. Sabine uses both her Jedi skills and Mandalorian fighting abilities to great advantage and it was awesome to see the duo united in battle again. Even some Noti got in on the fight, hurling a few rocks and what looked like a pan to heads of the night troopers. 
Ahsoka and Huyang arrive not a moment too late and eagerly join in the battle with Ahsoka going head to head once again with Baylan who was just sitting it out on the side. Ah well, Baylan gets forced into a lightsaber duel with the reawakened and an altogether more powerful Lady Tano and their battle is magnificent. Baylan assures Ahsoka that she cannot defeat him - the will of the Force perhaps? - to which Ahsoka responds that she doesn't have to as Huyang flies in raining fire.

Thrawn, watching the battle unfold, commends the Jedi on their admirable fight and notes also the absence of the mercenary Baylan Skoll. Thrawn then promptly orders his troops to retreat, citing that their departure from this galaxy is soon. Back in battle, Ahsoka join the fray and is united with Ezra and Sabine. There's a brief moment where Ahsoka offers Shin a chance to surrender and join her, indicating that Shin may yet be redeemed.

Episode 7 sets the stage for what looks to be a truly exhilarating finale. What were your thoughts on this week's episode? Be sure to catch Star Wars: Ahsoka, now streaming on Disney Plus.


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