Retro Arcade: The Goonies 1986 Platform Game Walkthrough: Stage 1

Stage 1: The Fratelli's Hideout

Time Limit: 180 seconds
Special Items: Headphones, Flame Suit
Hidden Stuff: none
How To Make Secret Items Appear: kick/ action button

The first stage is surprisingly one of the shortest levels in the game, despite being roughly the same size as the final stage. It unfolds within the confines of the ominous Fratelli's hideout, where vigilant mice patrol the dimly lit hallways, and one of the menacing Fratelli brothers prowls the building, armed with a gun. Your mission is to gather the essential keys scattered throughout this stage to unlock the entrance to the underground trail leading to the legendary treasure of One-Eyed Willie. Within this single-level stage, you'll come across exactly four skull-marked doors that need to be blasted open with your collected bombs. Fortunately, rats are abundant in this area, making it relatively easy to acquire the necessary explosives. 

Once you've gathered your bombs, feel free to destroy the four doors in any order you prefer, as they all contain the vital keys and a captured Goonie in need of rescue. While rats are a common sight throughout the hideout, keep a vigilant eye out for the lone Fratelli brother armed with a gun, often appearing in the right half of the house. Once all doors have been unlocked, return to the lower-left corner to access the final locked door, and proceed further into your adventure, all while avoiding any treacherous traps in this stage.


Don't forget to grab the two secret items on this level. The first, the headphones, is on the platform just below the door on the far left. There's also a diamond nearby to collect. The second, the flame suit will require some quick midair button mashing. After you have blasted open the door to the far right, have Mikey 'fall' down the platform and press right while he is in midair. He will land on the platform just below with a brick wall separating. Collect the 2 diamonds then jump across to the other platform and retrieve the treasure item.

Stay tuned for Stage 2 of The Goonies 1986 Platform Game, coming next week!


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